Ruth Berman Harris (cantor)

Ruth Berman Harris was the first female cantor (also called hazzan) in Argentina. She was born in Buenos Aires, where as a teenager she became the first female in Argentina to lead Jewish services.She was educated as a cantor at the Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano in Argentina, and was ordained in 1996. She also earned a bachelor's degree in Talmud and Bible from Bar-Ilan University in Israel, as well as finishing a cantorial program from the World Union for Progressive Judaism.

Ruth Berman Harris (cantor)

Ruth Berman Harris was the first female cantor (also called hazzan) in Argentina. She was born in Buenos Aires, where as a teenager she became the first female in Argentina to lead Jewish services.She was educated as a cantor at the Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano in Argentina, and was ordained in 1996. She also earned a bachelor's degree in Talmud and Bible from Bar-Ilan University in Israel, as well as finishing a cantorial program from the World Union for Progressive Judaism.