Saints Row 2 (mobile)

Saints Row 2 is a mobile tie-in action game developed by G5 Entertainment and published by THQ Wireless to accompany the Saints Row 2 console game. It was released in October 2008. The game follows the story of the series where the player returns from jail and fights to protect and expand his gang's territory. The player can steal, carjack, mug, shoot, stab, and kill computer players. There are special minigames for robbing, stealing, and carjacking. Completing missions earns money to be spent towards replenished supplies and player upgrades. Reviewers contended that the game was too large for the small screen, which exacerbated difficult driving controls.

Saints Row 2 (mobile)

Saints Row 2 is a mobile tie-in action game developed by G5 Entertainment and published by THQ Wireless to accompany the Saints Row 2 console game. It was released in October 2008. The game follows the story of the series where the player returns from jail and fights to protect and expand his gang's territory. The player can steal, carjack, mug, shoot, stab, and kill computer players. There are special minigames for robbing, stealing, and carjacking. Completing missions earns money to be spent towards replenished supplies and player upgrades. Reviewers contended that the game was too large for the small screen, which exacerbated difficult driving controls.