
Samizdata is a British group weblog. Founded on 2 November 2001 by Perry de Havilland and originally named ‘Libertarian Samizdata’, it dropped the label due to the unhappiness of editors to subscribe to a particular label. Edited by 'anarcho-libertarians, tax rebels, Eurosceptics, and Wildean individualists', Samizdata is one of the UK's oldest blogs. The editors describe as "a blog for people with a critically rational individualist perspective. We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous..."


Samizdata is a British group weblog. Founded on 2 November 2001 by Perry de Havilland and originally named ‘Libertarian Samizdata’, it dropped the label due to the unhappiness of editors to subscribe to a particular label. Edited by 'anarcho-libertarians, tax rebels, Eurosceptics, and Wildean individualists', Samizdata is one of the UK's oldest blogs. The editors describe as "a blog for people with a critically rational individualist perspective. We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous..."