San Francisco State Gators football

The San Francisco State Gators football team represented San Francisco State University (formerly San Francisco State Teacher's College) from the 1931 through 1995 seasons. The Gators originally competed as a member of the Far West Conference from 1931 until the conference changed its name to become the Northern California Athletic Conference, where they remained through the 1995 season. San Francisco State played its home games at multiple stadiums throughout their history with the most recent being Cox Field in San Francisco. San Francisco State was known as the "Cradle of Coaches", having produced coaching greats such as Mike Holmgren, Andy Reid, Bob Toledo, and many others.

San Francisco State Gators football

The San Francisco State Gators football team represented San Francisco State University (formerly San Francisco State Teacher's College) from the 1931 through 1995 seasons. The Gators originally competed as a member of the Far West Conference from 1931 until the conference changed its name to become the Northern California Athletic Conference, where they remained through the 1995 season. San Francisco State played its home games at multiple stadiums throughout their history with the most recent being Cox Field in San Francisco. San Francisco State was known as the "Cradle of Coaches", having produced coaching greats such as Mike Holmgren, Andy Reid, Bob Toledo, and many others.