Sanitation and Water for All

The Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) is a global partnership committed to achieving universal access to clean drinking water and adequate sanitation. In 2015, 2.4 billion people lack access to improved sanitation, 946 billion people defecate in the open and 663 million people lack access to basic water sources. Over 100 partners, including governments, civil society and development partners, work together as part of SWA to coordinate high-level action, improve accountability and use scarce resources more effectively.

Sanitation and Water for All

The Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) is a global partnership committed to achieving universal access to clean drinking water and adequate sanitation. In 2015, 2.4 billion people lack access to improved sanitation, 946 billion people defecate in the open and 663 million people lack access to basic water sources. Over 100 partners, including governments, civil society and development partners, work together as part of SWA to coordinate high-level action, improve accountability and use scarce resources more effectively.