Sarum (Newport, Maryland)

Sarum is a historic home located at Newport, Charles County, Maryland. The house is believed to have been built originally about 1680, as a  1 1⁄2-story frame structure with a two-story porch tower. About 1700, a one-story frame extension was added, then about 1730, the ends were extended and new walls of brick were constructed. This extension gave the house its present dimensions. Sarum was patented to John Pile in 1662, and remained in the ownership of the Pile family until 1836. It is one of Maryland's finest small Colonial dwellings.

Sarum (Newport, Maryland)

Sarum is a historic home located at Newport, Charles County, Maryland. The house is believed to have been built originally about 1680, as a  1 1⁄2-story frame structure with a two-story porch tower. About 1700, a one-story frame extension was added, then about 1730, the ends were extended and new walls of brick were constructed. This extension gave the house its present dimensions. Sarum was patented to John Pile in 1662, and remained in the ownership of the Pile family until 1836. It is one of Maryland's finest small Colonial dwellings.