Saturday Report

Saturday Report (officially titled CBC News: Saturday Report from 2001 to 2009) was the primary Saturday newscast aired on CBC Television and CBC Newsworld from 1982 to 2009. Jacquie Perrin was the program's most recent regular anchor, although that position had rotated frequently among CBC personalities in the newscast's later years. Its format has also changed over the years, with a lengthy sports highlights segment - found in few other CBC newscasts - replaced by additional features and panel discussions in 2001.

Saturday Report

Saturday Report (officially titled CBC News: Saturday Report from 2001 to 2009) was the primary Saturday newscast aired on CBC Television and CBC Newsworld from 1982 to 2009. Jacquie Perrin was the program's most recent regular anchor, although that position had rotated frequently among CBC personalities in the newscast's later years. Its format has also changed over the years, with a lengthy sports highlights segment - found in few other CBC newscasts - replaced by additional features and panel discussions in 2001.