Science Park Zakynthos

Science Park Zakynthos is a Norwegian-Greek educational, research and business collaboration being established on the Greek island of Zakynthos. The aim is to work on sustainable environment issues, as for example the water resources. The project is a collaboration between The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), the Technological Educational Institute of Ionian Islands (TEI) and the Therianos Villas and Therianos Family Farm on Zakynthos.

Science Park Zakynthos

Science Park Zakynthos is a Norwegian-Greek educational, research and business collaboration being established on the Greek island of Zakynthos. The aim is to work on sustainable environment issues, as for example the water resources. The project is a collaboration between The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), the Technological Educational Institute of Ionian Islands (TEI) and the Therianos Villas and Therianos Family Farm on Zakynthos.