Sciences Po Lille

Sciences Po Lille - Institut d'études politiques de Lille (English: Lille Institute of Political Studies), officially referred to as Sciences Po Lille (pronounced see-ohns po), is part of the highly selective grandes écoles and is located in Lille, France. Sciences Po Lille is educating France's political and diplomatic elite, but its academic focus spans not only the political and economic sciences, but also law, communications, finance, business, urban policy, management, and journalism.

Sciences Po Lille

Sciences Po Lille - Institut d'études politiques de Lille (English: Lille Institute of Political Studies), officially referred to as Sciences Po Lille (pronounced see-ohns po), is part of the highly selective grandes écoles and is located in Lille, France. Sciences Po Lille is educating France's political and diplomatic elite, but its academic focus spans not only the political and economic sciences, but also law, communications, finance, business, urban policy, management, and journalism.