See It Saw It

See It Saw It was a children's game show about a king who rules over the kingdom of "Much Jollity-On-The-Mirth". It ran from 6 January 1999 to 26 March 2001. The programme was filmed entirely in the studio with an audience of children who at various points in the show would be asked an observation question by the King, which they would answer by climbing on board a giant see-saw. The majority answer would be indicated by which way the see-saw tipped. The show's main catchphrase was "DID YOU SEE IT?" asked by the king, to which the audience would shout back, "WE SAW IT!".

See It Saw It

See It Saw It was a children's game show about a king who rules over the kingdom of "Much Jollity-On-The-Mirth". It ran from 6 January 1999 to 26 March 2001. The programme was filmed entirely in the studio with an audience of children who at various points in the show would be asked an observation question by the King, which they would answer by climbing on board a giant see-saw. The majority answer would be indicated by which way the see-saw tipped. The show's main catchphrase was "DID YOU SEE IT?" asked by the king, to which the audience would shout back, "WE SAW IT!".