Shadow Skill

Shadow Skill (影技 SHADOW SKILL Shadō Sukiru) is a manga series with anime adaptations, produced by Studio Deen and aired on TV Tokyo in 1998 and has been released in the United States by ADV Films in 2005. The series is based on the manga by Megumu Okada. Shadow Skill is a shōnen series which features Styles of combat, such as martial arts. In addition to having a 26 episode television series three separate OVAs were made which have been released in the United States by Manga Entertainment. The television series, which has a different storyline to that of the OVAs, is distributed by ADV Films. In 2014 Okada announced that he has finished all of his work on Shadow Skill.

Shadow Skill

Shadow Skill (影技 SHADOW SKILL Shadō Sukiru) is a manga series with anime adaptations, produced by Studio Deen and aired on TV Tokyo in 1998 and has been released in the United States by ADV Films in 2005. The series is based on the manga by Megumu Okada. Shadow Skill is a shōnen series which features Styles of combat, such as martial arts. In addition to having a 26 episode television series three separate OVAs were made which have been released in the United States by Manga Entertainment. The television series, which has a different storyline to that of the OVAs, is distributed by ADV Films. In 2014 Okada announced that he has finished all of his work on Shadow Skill.