Sherri Mitchell

Sherri Mitchell is a Penobscot attorney and activist from Maine. Mitchell is an attorney with the Native American Unit of Pine Tree Legal Assistance. She is also the executive director of the Land Peace Foundation, which is dedicated to the protection of indigenous land rights. Mitchell has been actively involved with the Idle No More movement for indigenous rights in Canada and abroad. Mitchell worked as a law clerk with the Department of the Interior's Division of Indian Affairs in Washington, D.C. as well as with the law firm Fredericks, Peebles and Morgan in Boulder, Colorado.

Sherri Mitchell

Sherri Mitchell is a Penobscot attorney and activist from Maine. Mitchell is an attorney with the Native American Unit of Pine Tree Legal Assistance. She is also the executive director of the Land Peace Foundation, which is dedicated to the protection of indigenous land rights. Mitchell has been actively involved with the Idle No More movement for indigenous rights in Canada and abroad. Mitchell worked as a law clerk with the Department of the Interior's Division of Indian Affairs in Washington, D.C. as well as with the law firm Fredericks, Peebles and Morgan in Boulder, Colorado.