Shirt of Nessus

The Shirt of Nessus, Tunic of Nessus, Nessus-robe, or Nessus' shirt in Greek mythology was the poisoned shirt that killed Heracles . It was once a popular reference in literature. In folkloristics, it is considered an instance of the "poison dress" motif. In Greek mythology, it is the shirt (chiton) daubed with the tainted blood of the centaur Nessus that Deianeira, Heracles' wife, naïvely gave Heracles, burning him, and driving him to throw himself onto a funeral pyre.

Shirt of Nessus

The Shirt of Nessus, Tunic of Nessus, Nessus-robe, or Nessus' shirt in Greek mythology was the poisoned shirt that killed Heracles . It was once a popular reference in literature. In folkloristics, it is considered an instance of the "poison dress" motif. In Greek mythology, it is the shirt (chiton) daubed with the tainted blood of the centaur Nessus that Deianeira, Heracles' wife, naïvely gave Heracles, burning him, and driving him to throw himself onto a funeral pyre.