
Sideways is a 2004 American comedy-drama film written by Jim Taylor and Alexander Payne and directed by Payne. A film adaptation from Rex Pickett's novel of the same name, Sideways follows two men in their forties, Miles Raymond (Paul Giamatti), a depressed teacher and unsuccessful writer and Jack Cole (Thomas Haden Church), a past-his-prime actor, who take a week-long road trip to Santa Barbara County wine country to celebrate Jack's upcoming wedding. Despite his impending marriage, Jack has a romantic fling with a local wine pourer, Stephanie (Sandra Oh), and tells her he is in love with her. Jack persuades Miles to date Stephanie's friend, a server named Maya (Virginia Madsen), whom Miles knows. The double romance blooms until Miles lets slip that Jack is getting married at the end of t


Sideways is a 2004 American comedy-drama film written by Jim Taylor and Alexander Payne and directed by Payne. A film adaptation from Rex Pickett's novel of the same name, Sideways follows two men in their forties, Miles Raymond (Paul Giamatti), a depressed teacher and unsuccessful writer and Jack Cole (Thomas Haden Church), a past-his-prime actor, who take a week-long road trip to Santa Barbara County wine country to celebrate Jack's upcoming wedding. Despite his impending marriage, Jack has a romantic fling with a local wine pourer, Stephanie (Sandra Oh), and tells her he is in love with her. Jack persuades Miles to date Stephanie's friend, a server named Maya (Virginia Madsen), whom Miles knows. The double romance blooms until Miles lets slip that Jack is getting married at the end of t