Siege (comics)

"Siege" is an American comic book published by Marvel Comics from January 2010 to May 2010. It deals with the culmination of the Dark Reign story line, which saw Norman Osborn become the United States primary defense officer, leading H.A.M.M.E.R. as well as employing his own evil Avengers. The story depicts Loki manipulating Osborn into leading an all-out assault on Asgard, at the time located within the United States. Captain America and his own Avengers lead a rebellion against Osborn, which escalates into an all-out assault. The events in Siege led to Marvel Comics introducing the subsequent story-line Heroic Age.

Siege (comics)

"Siege" is an American comic book published by Marvel Comics from January 2010 to May 2010. It deals with the culmination of the Dark Reign story line, which saw Norman Osborn become the United States primary defense officer, leading H.A.M.M.E.R. as well as employing his own evil Avengers. The story depicts Loki manipulating Osborn into leading an all-out assault on Asgard, at the time located within the United States. Captain America and his own Avengers lead a rebellion against Osborn, which escalates into an all-out assault. The events in Siege led to Marvel Comics introducing the subsequent story-line Heroic Age.