Signetics 2650

The Signetics 2650 was an 8-bit microprocessor introduced in mid-1975. According to Adam Osborne's book An Introduction to Microprocessors Vol 2: Some Real Products, it was "the most minicomputer-like" of the microprocessors available at the time. At least four coin-operated video games were released in the 70s which used the 2650 CPU – Atari QUIZ SHOW, Meadows Games 3D BOWLING, Meadows Games GYPSY JUGGLER, and Cinematronics EMBARGO. The processor was also used in the Signetics Instructor 50, which was a small computer designed to teach the use and programming of the Signetics 2650 CPU.

Signetics 2650

The Signetics 2650 was an 8-bit microprocessor introduced in mid-1975. According to Adam Osborne's book An Introduction to Microprocessors Vol 2: Some Real Products, it was "the most minicomputer-like" of the microprocessors available at the time. At least four coin-operated video games were released in the 70s which used the 2650 CPU – Atari QUIZ SHOW, Meadows Games 3D BOWLING, Meadows Games GYPSY JUGGLER, and Cinematronics EMBARGO. The processor was also used in the Signetics Instructor 50, which was a small computer designed to teach the use and programming of the Signetics 2650 CPU.