Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure

Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure is a 2011 indie video game developed by Untold Entertainment Inc. founder Ryan Creighton and illustrated and voiced by his five-year-old daughter Cassie Creighton. The game follows the titular character Sissy, voiced by Cassie, as she searches for fictional creatures called "ponycorns", a portmanteau of the words pony and unicorn. The game plays similarly to graphic adventure games by Sierra Entertainment and LucasArts, but is significantly less difficult. Cassie drew the artwork at the Toronto Game Jam, which her father brought her to in order to help her make her own game. Afterward, he integrated the art into the Untold Graphic Adventure Game System (UGAGS) that the game uses. The game received positive reception from websites such as Kotaku, The Escap

Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure

Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure is a 2011 indie video game developed by Untold Entertainment Inc. founder Ryan Creighton and illustrated and voiced by his five-year-old daughter Cassie Creighton. The game follows the titular character Sissy, voiced by Cassie, as she searches for fictional creatures called "ponycorns", a portmanteau of the words pony and unicorn. The game plays similarly to graphic adventure games by Sierra Entertainment and LucasArts, but is significantly less difficult. Cassie drew the artwork at the Toronto Game Jam, which her father brought her to in order to help her make her own game. Afterward, he integrated the art into the Untold Graphic Adventure Game System (UGAGS) that the game uses. The game received positive reception from websites such as Kotaku, The Escap