
Skenderaj (Albanian: Skënderaj) or Srbica (Serbian: Србица, Srbica) is a city and municipality in the District of Mitrovica of northern Kosovo. It is the largest city in the Drenica region of Kosovo. It is solely populated by Albanians. It is claimed to be the poorest city in Kosovo. It is the place where the Kosovo War began in 1998, and to which the most damage was done.


Skenderaj (Albanian: Skënderaj) or Srbica (Serbian: Србица, Srbica) is a city and municipality in the District of Mitrovica of northern Kosovo. It is the largest city in the Drenica region of Kosovo. It is solely populated by Albanians. It is claimed to be the poorest city in Kosovo. It is the place where the Kosovo War began in 1998, and to which the most damage was done.