
"Skokiaan" is a popular tune originally written by Rhodesian (Zimbabwean) musician August Musarurwa (d.1968, usually identified as August Msarurgwa on record labels) in the tsaba-tsaba big-band style that succeeded marabi. Skokiaan (Chikokiyana in Shona) refers to an illegal self-made alcoholic beverage typically brewed over one day that may contain ingredients such as maize meal, water and yeast, to speed up the fermentation process. The tune has also been recorded as "Sikokiyana," "Skokiana," and "Skokian."


"Skokiaan" is a popular tune originally written by Rhodesian (Zimbabwean) musician August Musarurwa (d.1968, usually identified as August Msarurgwa on record labels) in the tsaba-tsaba big-band style that succeeded marabi. Skokiaan (Chikokiyana in Shona) refers to an illegal self-made alcoholic beverage typically brewed over one day that may contain ingredients such as maize meal, water and yeast, to speed up the fermentation process. The tune has also been recorded as "Sikokiyana," "Skokiana," and "Skokian."