
Skylanders is a toys-to-life video game series published by Activision. Games in the series are played by placing character figures called the Skylanders on the "Portal of Power," a device that reads the figures' tags through NFC and "imports" the character represented by the figure into the game as a playable character. A few of the Skylanders available for play include Spyro the Dragon and Cynder, both of which were previously included in The Legend of Spyro series. Skylanders is otherwise unrelated to the series.


Skylanders is a toys-to-life video game series published by Activision. Games in the series are played by placing character figures called the Skylanders on the "Portal of Power," a device that reads the figures' tags through NFC and "imports" the character represented by the figure into the game as a playable character. A few of the Skylanders available for play include Spyro the Dragon and Cynder, both of which were previously included in The Legend of Spyro series. Skylanders is otherwise unrelated to the series.