Slam Bradley

Samuel Emerson "Slam" Bradley is a fictional character that has appeared in various comic book series published by DC Comics. He is a private detective who exists in DC's main shared universe, known as the DC Universe. Created by Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster (the latter two also created Superman), the character is a hard bitten, tough private eye who loves working for dames, but prefers the platonic company of his sidekick, "Shorty" Morgan (bearing in mind a target audience of 10-year-old boys). Slam was one of the first stars of Detective Comics, debuting in #1 (March, 1937) a year before Superman first appeared and two years before Batman would make the title his home.

Slam Bradley

Samuel Emerson "Slam" Bradley is a fictional character that has appeared in various comic book series published by DC Comics. He is a private detective who exists in DC's main shared universe, known as the DC Universe. Created by Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster (the latter two also created Superman), the character is a hard bitten, tough private eye who loves working for dames, but prefers the platonic company of his sidekick, "Shorty" Morgan (bearing in mind a target audience of 10-year-old boys). Slam was one of the first stars of Detective Comics, debuting in #1 (March, 1937) a year before Superman first appeared and two years before Batman would make the title his home.