Slap bunt

Slap bunting is an offensive baseball and softball technique described as "the idea behind the skill is to hit the ball to a place on the infield that's farthest from the place where the out needs to be made". The technique is quite common in softball because of the difficulty of getting a hit with a pitcher only 40 feet (12 m) away. By already being in the front of the batters box with the batter's body turned halfway toward first base, the batter already has some momentum toward first base and might be in better position to get a base hit.

Slap bunt

Slap bunting is an offensive baseball and softball technique described as "the idea behind the skill is to hit the ball to a place on the infield that's farthest from the place where the out needs to be made". The technique is quite common in softball because of the difficulty of getting a hit with a pitcher only 40 feet (12 m) away. By already being in the front of the batters box with the batter's body turned halfway toward first base, the batter already has some momentum toward first base and might be in better position to get a base hit.