Société préhistorique luxembourgeoise

The Société préhistorique luxembourgeoise (S.P.L.) syndicates people interested in the Prehistory and Protohistory of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The association currently counts 199 members (2013), of which 34 are from abroad, and is located in the town of Waldbillig. At first, the association was located in Luxembourg-City and in 2007 was transferred to Waldbillig.

Société préhistorique luxembourgeoise

The Société préhistorique luxembourgeoise (S.P.L.) syndicates people interested in the Prehistory and Protohistory of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The association currently counts 199 members (2013), of which 34 are from abroad, and is located in the town of Waldbillig. At first, the association was located in Luxembourg-City and in 2007 was transferred to Waldbillig.