Sonorama 2013

Sonorama 2013, or Sonorama Ribera 2013, was the 16th edition of the Sonorama Music Festival. It took place in Aranda de Duero in Castile and León (Spain) in mid-August. It was organized by the non-profit cultural association "Art de Troya". The four-day music festival had an expected participation of 40,000 spectators.

Sonorama 2013

Sonorama 2013, or Sonorama Ribera 2013, was the 16th edition of the Sonorama Music Festival. It took place in Aranda de Duero in Castile and León (Spain) in mid-August. It was organized by the non-profit cultural association "Art de Troya". The four-day music festival had an expected participation of 40,000 spectators.