Southern black tit

The southern black tit or simply black tit (Melaniparus niger) is a species of bird in the tit family Paridae. It occurs chiefly in tropical and subtropical savanna woodland, in a semicircular arc from Angola to Eastern Cape Province in South Africa. It prefers woodland dominated by broad-leaved trees, most importantly miombo, Combretum species, and Burkea africana. It is especially common in the woodlands of western Zimbabwe, where densities can reach as high as fifty birds per square kilometre.

Southern black tit

The southern black tit or simply black tit (Melaniparus niger) is a species of bird in the tit family Paridae. It occurs chiefly in tropical and subtropical savanna woodland, in a semicircular arc from Angola to Eastern Cape Province in South Africa. It prefers woodland dominated by broad-leaved trees, most importantly miombo, Combretum species, and Burkea africana. It is especially common in the woodlands of western Zimbabwe, where densities can reach as high as fifty birds per square kilometre.