Special Purpose Police Unit (Azerbaijan)

The Special Purpose Police Unit (Azerbaijani: Xüsusi Təyinatlı Polis Dəstəsi (XTPD); Russian: Отряд милиции особого назначения - initially OMON) or OPON (Otryad Politsii Osobogo Naznacheniya) was a special forces detachment unit within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan in the early 1990s formed during the Nagorno-Karabakh War. The first body of the unit consisted of 3,000 policemen.

Special Purpose Police Unit (Azerbaijan)

The Special Purpose Police Unit (Azerbaijani: Xüsusi Təyinatlı Polis Dəstəsi (XTPD); Russian: Отряд милиции особого назначения - initially OMON) or OPON (Otryad Politsii Osobogo Naznacheniya) was a special forces detachment unit within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan in the early 1990s formed during the Nagorno-Karabakh War. The first body of the unit consisted of 3,000 policemen.