Spike Surplus Scheme

The Spike Surplus Scheme was a community-run "do it yourself" project in a squatted building in Peckham, an area of London, England, in the London Borough of Southwark. It provided rehearsal/recording facilities, health/martial arts space and a community garden. Running on a free-where-possible or donations level, the facilities were used by a wide variety of local talent. Other users were community garden permaculture groups, martial arts and various alternative therapy groups.

Spike Surplus Scheme

The Spike Surplus Scheme was a community-run "do it yourself" project in a squatted building in Peckham, an area of London, England, in the London Borough of Southwark. It provided rehearsal/recording facilities, health/martial arts space and a community garden. Running on a free-where-possible or donations level, the facilities were used by a wide variety of local talent. Other users were community garden permaculture groups, martial arts and various alternative therapy groups.