St. John's United Church of Christ, Richmond, Virginia

The congregation formed in 1843 to minister to the very large German immigrant population of Richmond (especially the Carver neighborhood) at the time. The name "German Lutheran Evangelical Church" was selected as its members were Lutherans, but the church has never been affiliated with any Lutheran denomination. It operated independently until 1874 when it affiliated with the German Evangelical Synod of North America, a predecessor of the United Church of Christ.

St. John's United Church of Christ, Richmond, Virginia

The congregation formed in 1843 to minister to the very large German immigrant population of Richmond (especially the Carver neighborhood) at the time. The name "German Lutheran Evangelical Church" was selected as its members were Lutherans, but the church has never been affiliated with any Lutheran denomination. It operated independently until 1874 when it affiliated with the German Evangelical Synod of North America, a predecessor of the United Church of Christ.