State Security Administration

The State Security Service (SDB or SDS), more commonly known by its original name as the State Security Administration (UDBA or UDSA), was the secret police of Yugoslavia. Best known at all times simply by the acronym UDBA, in its latter decades it was composed of six semi-independent secret police organizations—one for each of the six Yugoslav federal republics—coordinated by the central federal office. With the breakup of Yugoslavia, every republic formed its own secret police but only the Serbian branch kept its former name State Security Service.

State Security Administration

The State Security Service (SDB or SDS), more commonly known by its original name as the State Security Administration (UDBA or UDSA), was the secret police of Yugoslavia. Best known at all times simply by the acronym UDBA, in its latter decades it was composed of six semi-independent secret police organizations—one for each of the six Yugoslav federal republics—coordinated by the central federal office. With the breakup of Yugoslavia, every republic formed its own secret police but only the Serbian branch kept its former name State Security Service.