Station Zero

Station Zero was an American animated comedy television series that aired on MTV for one season in 1999, airing at 6:30 PM. The show followed a group of four young African-American and Latino men who ran a fictional public-access television show called Live from the Bronx, where they watched hip hop videos and critiqued them in a similar manner as Beavis and Butt-head. It was based on A View From Da' Unda'Ground, a comic strip from the same team which ran in The Source from 1991 - 1994.

Station Zero

Station Zero was an American animated comedy television series that aired on MTV for one season in 1999, airing at 6:30 PM. The show followed a group of four young African-American and Latino men who ran a fictional public-access television show called Live from the Bronx, where they watched hip hop videos and critiqued them in a similar manner as Beavis and Butt-head. It was based on A View From Da' Unda'Ground, a comic strip from the same team which ran in The Source from 1991 - 1994.