
Steeljaw is the name of several characters from the Transformers franchise. Usually, the character has been depicted as a mini-cassette partner to Blaster who transforms into a robotic lion, or a robotic dog, partnered with Leadfoot in Dark of the Moon, but most recently he has been reimagined as the new Decepticon leader for the Transformers: Robots in Disguise 2015 television series (voiced by Troy Baker), being the first main antagonist of a western Transformers series who isn't an incarnation of Megatron/Galvatron.


Steeljaw is the name of several characters from the Transformers franchise. Usually, the character has been depicted as a mini-cassette partner to Blaster who transforms into a robotic lion, or a robotic dog, partnered with Leadfoot in Dark of the Moon, but most recently he has been reimagined as the new Decepticon leader for the Transformers: Robots in Disguise 2015 television series (voiced by Troy Baker), being the first main antagonist of a western Transformers series who isn't an incarnation of Megatron/Galvatron.