
Stevonnie (/stəˈvɒniː/ stə-VON-ee) is a fictional character from the 2013 animated series Steven Universe, created by Rebecca Sugar. A "fusion" of the protagonist Steven Universe and his friend Connie Maheswaran, Stevonnie is portrayed as an androgynous teenager, attractive to both men and women. First introduced in the episode "Alone Together", Stevonnie does not appear frequently in the series.


Stevonnie (/stəˈvɒniː/ stə-VON-ee) is a fictional character from the 2013 animated series Steven Universe, created by Rebecca Sugar. A "fusion" of the protagonist Steven Universe and his friend Connie Maheswaran, Stevonnie is portrayed as an androgynous teenager, attractive to both men and women. First introduced in the episode "Alone Together", Stevonnie does not appear frequently in the series.