
"Strazdas" (The song thrush) was the Lithuanian entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1999, performed in Samogitian dialect of the Lithuanian by Aistė Smilgevičiūtė. The song is significant for being performed in a dialect of Lithuanian, particularly as the so-called "Free Language Rule" had been introduced prior to this Contest, allowing entries to be performed in any language at all – with most countries opting from this point onwards to perform in English. Lithuania's earlier entry, "Lopšinė mylimai", had been performed in Lithuanian at the 1994 Contest and failed to record a point.


"Strazdas" (The song thrush) was the Lithuanian entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1999, performed in Samogitian dialect of the Lithuanian by Aistė Smilgevičiūtė. The song is significant for being performed in a dialect of Lithuanian, particularly as the so-called "Free Language Rule" had been introduced prior to this Contest, allowing entries to be performed in any language at all – with most countries opting from this point onwards to perform in English. Lithuania's earlier entry, "Lopšinė mylimai", had been performed in Lithuanian at the 1994 Contest and failed to record a point.