Streetball Kosova

Streetball Kosova is a traditional streetball tournament since Year 2000, organised in the amphitheatre of the swimming pool in Germia Park, Pristina, Kosovo. Streetball Kosova 2014 was the 15th edition in a row without any break. Most of the participants are the children and the youth of Kosovo, who represent more than 70% of the population, but there are senior and international participants living in Kosovo, too. Beside the main competition 3on3, there will be as well competitions in Dunking and Shoot 5.

Streetball Kosova

Streetball Kosova is a traditional streetball tournament since Year 2000, organised in the amphitheatre of the swimming pool in Germia Park, Pristina, Kosovo. Streetball Kosova 2014 was the 15th edition in a row without any break. Most of the participants are the children and the youth of Kosovo, who represent more than 70% of the population, but there are senior and international participants living in Kosovo, too. Beside the main competition 3on3, there will be as well competitions in Dunking and Shoot 5.