Studio magazine

Studio magazine, usually known as Studio, was a French cinema magazine which was founded in 1987 by part of the former editorial team of Première led by Marc Esposito and Jean-Pierre Lavoignat. Michel Rebichon was the editorial director, Béatrice Toulon the editor in chief, and Benoit Basirico was web editor. On the occasion of its twentieth anniversary in 2007 Studio magazine launched its internet site. The magazine was part of the Belgian press group Roularta.

Studio magazine

Studio magazine, usually known as Studio, was a French cinema magazine which was founded in 1987 by part of the former editorial team of Première led by Marc Esposito and Jean-Pierre Lavoignat. Michel Rebichon was the editorial director, Béatrice Toulon the editor in chief, and Benoit Basirico was web editor. On the occasion of its twentieth anniversary in 2007 Studio magazine launched its internet site. The magazine was part of the Belgian press group Roularta.