Tale of Woe

The Tale of Woe, the Letter of Wermai or Papyrus Moscow 127, is an Egyptian document from the late 20th Dynasty to 22nd Dynasty, part of a collection of three papyri including the Onomasticon of Amenope and the Story of Wenamun. Like the other two Vladimir Goleniščev papyri, the papyrus was discovered in 1890 at al-Hiba, Egypt, and is currently held at the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. The papyrus is a "complete, uninjured, absolutely unparalleled hieratic manuscript".

Tale of Woe

The Tale of Woe, the Letter of Wermai or Papyrus Moscow 127, is an Egyptian document from the late 20th Dynasty to 22nd Dynasty, part of a collection of three papyri including the Onomasticon of Amenope and the Story of Wenamun. Like the other two Vladimir Goleniščev papyri, the papyrus was discovered in 1890 at al-Hiba, Egypt, and is currently held at the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. The papyrus is a "complete, uninjured, absolutely unparalleled hieratic manuscript".