Talla Gnananandam

T. Gnanandam was a Pastor of the Protestant Convention of Baptist Churches of Northern Circars and was Principal of the Baptist Theological Seminary, Kakinada during 1968-1969, the shortest ever in the history of the seminary. Gnananandam became Principal of the seminary in 1968 succeeding Paul Antrobus at a crucial time when efforts were made to close-down the institution as it remained a residual seminary due to the ecumenical initiatives it undertook to form the Andhra Christian Theological College in 1964.

Talla Gnananandam

T. Gnanandam was a Pastor of the Protestant Convention of Baptist Churches of Northern Circars and was Principal of the Baptist Theological Seminary, Kakinada during 1968-1969, the shortest ever in the history of the seminary. Gnananandam became Principal of the seminary in 1968 succeeding Paul Antrobus at a crucial time when efforts were made to close-down the institution as it remained a residual seminary due to the ecumenical initiatives it undertook to form the Andhra Christian Theological College in 1964.