Tapestry lawn

A tapestry lawn (also referred to as a grass-free lawn) is a lawn format that has no grass component and is instead formed by using many different mowing tolerant plant species in combination. The overall visual effect of the many species of plant grown together is referred to as a tapestry. The format is based on research carried out at the University of Reading. Developed with temperate humid oceanic climate in mind, it applies ecological principals and horticultural practices to address some of the ecological and environmental issues associated with traditional grass lawns

Tapestry lawn

A tapestry lawn (also referred to as a grass-free lawn) is a lawn format that has no grass component and is instead formed by using many different mowing tolerant plant species in combination. The overall visual effect of the many species of plant grown together is referred to as a tapestry. The format is based on research carried out at the University of Reading. Developed with temperate humid oceanic climate in mind, it applies ecological principals and horticultural practices to address some of the ecological and environmental issues associated with traditional grass lawns