Tarnița – Lăpuștești Hydroelectric Power Station

Tarnița - Lăpuștești Hydropower Plant is a large hydroelectric pumped-storage project on the Someșul Cald River in Cluj County, Romania. It will be the largest hydro-electric load balancing system in Romania. During the night, when the demand is low and electricity is cheap because of powerplants which generate electricity continuously, such as the Cernavodă nuclear power plant, it will use electricity to pump water up the hill, while during the day, it will use the hydro energy to generate electricity.

Tarnița – Lăpuștești Hydroelectric Power Station

Tarnița - Lăpuștești Hydropower Plant is a large hydroelectric pumped-storage project on the Someșul Cald River in Cluj County, Romania. It will be the largest hydro-electric load balancing system in Romania. During the night, when the demand is low and electricity is cheap because of powerplants which generate electricity continuously, such as the Cernavodă nuclear power plant, it will use electricity to pump water up the hill, while during the day, it will use the hydro energy to generate electricity.