Teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom

The rate of teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom is high; the only other OECD developed country with comparable teenage pregnancy rates is the United States. Teenage pregnancy is higher in more economically deprived areas. A report in 2002 found that around half of all conceptions to under-18s were concentrated among the 30% most deprived population, with only 14% occurring among the 30% least deprived. The number of resultant births is presently at the lowest rate since the mid 1950s.Also found was that the most deprived areas had higher proportions of conceptions leading to a maternity. The 2008 underage conception rate in England and Wales was 13% lower than in 1998. Over 60% of the conceptions led to a legal abortion, the highest proportion since conception statistics began in 1969.

Teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom

The rate of teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom is high; the only other OECD developed country with comparable teenage pregnancy rates is the United States. Teenage pregnancy is higher in more economically deprived areas. A report in 2002 found that around half of all conceptions to under-18s were concentrated among the 30% most deprived population, with only 14% occurring among the 30% least deprived. The number of resultant births is presently at the lowest rate since the mid 1950s.Also found was that the most deprived areas had higher proportions of conceptions leading to a maternity. The 2008 underage conception rate in England and Wales was 13% lower than in 1998. Over 60% of the conceptions led to a legal abortion, the highest proportion since conception statistics began in 1969.