
Telestory is an Australian television series which aired 1961-1962. Produced by Artransa Park and aired on ATN-7, it was a 15-minute series in which an actor would read from a book. The first season consisted of Leonard Teale reading The Sundowners, while the second season consisted of Gordon Glenwright reading from They're a Weird Mob. Very basic television, it aired towards the end of the day's schedule, at time slots such as 10:10PM on Monday and 11:35PM on Friday. Additional episodes were planned but don't seem to have been produced.


Telestory is an Australian television series which aired 1961-1962. Produced by Artransa Park and aired on ATN-7, it was a 15-minute series in which an actor would read from a book. The first season consisted of Leonard Teale reading The Sundowners, while the second season consisted of Gordon Glenwright reading from They're a Weird Mob. Very basic television, it aired towards the end of the day's schedule, at time slots such as 10:10PM on Monday and 11:35PM on Friday. Additional episodes were planned but don't seem to have been produced.