Telkom Indonesia

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk, commonly abbreviated as Telkom Indonesia or just Telkom, is the largest telecommunications services company in Indonesia. Telkom is a semi-privatized, majority state-owned company listed on multiple exchanges. Since this privatization in 1995, Telkom Indonesia has a combined total of approximately 129.8 million customers at end of December 2011 increased by 7.8% from 2010, making the company the nation's largest telecommunication service provider by subscribers.

Telkom Indonesia

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk, commonly abbreviated as Telkom Indonesia or just Telkom, is the largest telecommunications services company in Indonesia. Telkom is a semi-privatized, majority state-owned company listed on multiple exchanges. Since this privatization in 1995, Telkom Indonesia has a combined total of approximately 129.8 million customers at end of December 2011 increased by 7.8% from 2010, making the company the nation's largest telecommunication service provider by subscribers.