Teobaldo Roggeri

Blessed Teobaldo Roggeri (1100 - 1150) was an Italian Roman Catholic shoemaker and porter from the Ligurian province noted for his simple manner of living and for his commitment to the needs of the poor of the Diocese of Alba. Roggeri received his beatification from Pope Gregory XVI in 1841 after the pontiff confirmed that there was a significant 'cultus' (or popular and longstanding devotion) to the late tradesman.

Teobaldo Roggeri

Blessed Teobaldo Roggeri (1100 - 1150) was an Italian Roman Catholic shoemaker and porter from the Ligurian province noted for his simple manner of living and for his commitment to the needs of the poor of the Diocese of Alba. Roggeri received his beatification from Pope Gregory XVI in 1841 after the pontiff confirmed that there was a significant 'cultus' (or popular and longstanding devotion) to the late tradesman.