Texas Rangers (architects)

Texas Rangers refers to a group of architects who taught at the University of Texas School of Architecture in Austin, Texas, from 1951 to 1958. The group is known for the development of an innovative curriculum that encouraged the development of a workable, useful body of architectural theory derived from a continuous critique of significant works across history and cultures. The curriculum discouraged the sculpting and shaping of a building's mass in favor of the visualization and organization of architectural space.

Texas Rangers (architects)

Texas Rangers refers to a group of architects who taught at the University of Texas School of Architecture in Austin, Texas, from 1951 to 1958. The group is known for the development of an innovative curriculum that encouraged the development of a workable, useful body of architectural theory derived from a continuous critique of significant works across history and cultures. The curriculum discouraged the sculpting and shaping of a building's mass in favor of the visualization and organization of architectural space.