The Addams Family (1992 animated series)

The Addams Family is an American animated series based on the eponymous comic strip characters by Charles Addams and is the second cartoon show to feature the Addams (the first was the 1973 series). It ran from September 12, 1992 to November 6, 1993 on ABC and was produced by Hanna-Barbera. The series' development began in the wake of the 1991 Addams Family feature film. Two seasons were produced.

The Addams Family (1992 animated series)

The Addams Family is an American animated series based on the eponymous comic strip characters by Charles Addams and is the second cartoon show to feature the Addams (the first was the 1973 series). It ran from September 12, 1992 to November 6, 1993 on ABC and was produced by Hanna-Barbera. The series' development began in the wake of the 1991 Addams Family feature film. Two seasons were produced.