The Canadian Grenadier Guards

The Canadian Grenadier Guards (CGG) is a reserve infantry regiment in the 34 Canadian Brigade Group, 2nd Canadian Division of the Canadian Army. The regiment is the second most senior and oldest infantry regiment in the Primary Reserve of the Canadian Army. Located in Montreal, its primary role is the provision of combat-ready troops in support of Canadian regular infantry. However, as it is also a Household regiment, it performs similar ceremonial duties to the Guards regiments of the British Army, which primarily entails mounting the guard on Parliament Hill and at Rideau Hall in Ottawa, a task it shares with Canada's other Household infantry regiment, the Governor General's Foot Guards. The Canadian Grenadier Guards is an allied regiment to the British Grenadier Guards. (Also see Ceremo

The Canadian Grenadier Guards

The Canadian Grenadier Guards (CGG) is a reserve infantry regiment in the 34 Canadian Brigade Group, 2nd Canadian Division of the Canadian Army. The regiment is the second most senior and oldest infantry regiment in the Primary Reserve of the Canadian Army. Located in Montreal, its primary role is the provision of combat-ready troops in support of Canadian regular infantry. However, as it is also a Household regiment, it performs similar ceremonial duties to the Guards regiments of the British Army, which primarily entails mounting the guard on Parliament Hill and at Rideau Hall in Ottawa, a task it shares with Canada's other Household infantry regiment, the Governor General's Foot Guards. The Canadian Grenadier Guards is an allied regiment to the British Grenadier Guards. (Also see Ceremo