The Chain Gang (radio series)

The Chain Gang is a British radio series broadcast on the digital radio station BBC 7. There have so far been two series, the first in 2004 and the second in 2007. The format of the series is that the first episode is scripted by the production team and ends with a cliffhanger. Listeners are then invited to write further episodes. The best submission is then recorded and transmitted and again ends with cliffhanger, after which listeners can submit further suggestions.

The Chain Gang (radio series)

The Chain Gang is a British radio series broadcast on the digital radio station BBC 7. There have so far been two series, the first in 2004 and the second in 2007. The format of the series is that the first episode is scripted by the production team and ends with a cliffhanger. Listeners are then invited to write further episodes. The best submission is then recorded and transmitted and again ends with cliffhanger, after which listeners can submit further suggestions.