The Hangover (film series)

The Hangover is a series of three American comedy films created by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore and directed by Todd Phillips. All three films follows the misadventures of a quartet of friends (also known as "the Wolfpack") who go on their road trip to attend a wedding reception. While all of the films finds three of the four men on their mission to find their missing friend, the first two films focus on the events following a night of debauchery moments before a wedding in Las Vegas and Bangkok; where as the third and final film involves a road trip and a kidnapping in lieu of a bachelor party.

The Hangover (film series)

The Hangover is a series of three American comedy films created by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore and directed by Todd Phillips. All three films follows the misadventures of a quartet of friends (also known as "the Wolfpack") who go on their road trip to attend a wedding reception. While all of the films finds three of the four men on their mission to find their missing friend, the first two films focus on the events following a night of debauchery moments before a wedding in Las Vegas and Bangkok; where as the third and final film involves a road trip and a kidnapping in lieu of a bachelor party.