The Immunity Syndrome (Star Trek: The Original Series)

"The Immunity Syndrome" is a second season episode of the original science fiction television series Star Trek, first broadcast on January 19, 1968, and repeated June 7, 1968. It is episode #47, production #48, written by Robert Sabaroff and directed by Joseph Pevney. In this episode, the crew of the Enterprise encounters an energy-draining space-dwelling organism.

The Immunity Syndrome (Star Trek: The Original Series)

"The Immunity Syndrome" is a second season episode of the original science fiction television series Star Trek, first broadcast on January 19, 1968, and repeated June 7, 1968. It is episode #47, production #48, written by Robert Sabaroff and directed by Joseph Pevney. In this episode, the crew of the Enterprise encounters an energy-draining space-dwelling organism.