The Land of Sunshine

The Land of Sunshine was a magazine published in Los Angeles, California between 1894 and 1923. It was renamed Out West in January 1902. In 1923, it merged into Overland Monthly to become Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine, which existed until 1935. The magazine published the work of many notable authors, including John Muir, Jack London, Mary Hunter Austin, Sharlot Hall, and Sui Sin Far (Edith Maude Eaton). The Land of Sunshine was also known for its "lavish" use of illustrations, many of which were halftone photoengravings. In the words of Jon Wilkman, the magazine "extolled the wonders of Southern California and had a major influence on the region’s early image and appeal to tourists".

The Land of Sunshine

The Land of Sunshine was a magazine published in Los Angeles, California between 1894 and 1923. It was renamed Out West in January 1902. In 1923, it merged into Overland Monthly to become Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine, which existed until 1935. The magazine published the work of many notable authors, including John Muir, Jack London, Mary Hunter Austin, Sharlot Hall, and Sui Sin Far (Edith Maude Eaton). The Land of Sunshine was also known for its "lavish" use of illustrations, many of which were halftone photoengravings. In the words of Jon Wilkman, the magazine "extolled the wonders of Southern California and had a major influence on the region’s early image and appeal to tourists".